Tibble fork round 2

On Tuesday we went to Tibble Fork reservoir again with our friends and neighbors. It was so chilly! We were all pretty cold, but the kids didn’t seem to mind. After a while, though, we called it quits. I took Eli with my kids and went to the library and In-n-Out. I figured since it was my birthday week I didn’t have to cook at all.

While we were out driving, I called my senators and the president to complain about the kids being separated from their families at the borders. I think I might have made one of Orrin Hatch’s aides cry. I might have voiced my opinions rather loudly…ok, I guess I was yelling. But I just felt so angry and helpless! I had donated money to RAICES, called my senators, voiced my outrage, but it seemed as though nothing would help. I couldn’t get the sounds of those crying babies out of my head.

In the meantime, Eli was in the back seat making up songs that made fun of Donald Trump. I really didn’t mind.

When we got home, we ate burgers on the lawn and my neighbor Brittany came over and sat down to chat. This was a treat because I don’t see Brittany often. We talked for hours!