Ammon’s birthday!

On Monday Ammon woke up to balloons, donuts, and presents.

After Ammon played with his new presents and had some quiet time, we picked the girls up early from school and went to the Scarecrow Festival. Ammon ran almost the entire thing. Only at the end did he slow down and walk quietly next to my mom. Until that point, he ran from scarecrow to scarecrow yelling,
“LOOK, MOMMY!! LOOK!!!!!” It was so cute.

The bearded lady!

Then we toured the Light the World sculpture garden because my mom had never seen it. It was wonderful to hear the girls recite the stories of Jesus while we walked around.

Afterward we met Abe at Maria Bonita and had molcajetes for dinner. Afterward the staff brought Ammon a frosted donut and sang Happy Birthday to him, complete with “cha-cha-cha’s”! Ammon was so cute. He got this slow smile on his face while they were singing, and when they left, he whispered “cha-cha-cha!” to himself.

We were going to do a piƱata after, but on the way home Ammon said he was tired and wanted to go to bed. It was a really big day for my favorite three year old in the whole world. I love this boy so much. There’s no way for me to capture him in writing, but his enthusiasm for life and for people is contagious. There are times when I am out and about with Ammon and his smile, desultory chit chat, and enthusiastic way of greeting and introducing himself to EVERYONE just make my day. He just wants to make everyone happy. I couldn’t ask for a better son.

Happy birthday, sweet little Ammon!!!