library preschool

Today I took Ammon to the library preschool program. It’s a little thirty minute program where the kids go in a room without parents. The parents can watch them on a screen outside to see how they’re doing. This program is for three to five year olds, so it was the first time Ammon qualified. I was a little nervous to see if he would actually sit down when asked, but from what I could tell on screen, Ammon enthusiastically and cooperatively participated in the whole program.

In the meantime, Clarissa had a great time on the chairs outside. I took her to baby story time for a while, too. At this age, Mary and Lydia would sit still and participate in the story time. They never wandered or caused any problems. In the past three years I have never actually unstrapped Ammon from his stroller at the library. I didn’t need to experiment to know it would not end well if I let him wander all around.

Clarissa might be another Ammon. Today her great sense of stranger danger kept her planted on my lap for about ten minutes, and then her desire for freedom got too strong and she started to wander. I took her straight back to the waiting area for Ammon. We’ll see if she gets better with practice…

In the evening Suzanne dropped by with the best present ever for Ammon. She and Tom gave him remote control cars!! Ammon was completely captivated, and Mary and Lydia were too. Ammon actually yelled with delight when he figured out how to control the car.