Wee Witches

On Saturday morning we took Lydia’s best friend, Grace, along with our family to Wee Witches in Gardener Village. It was a lovely day and a fun outing for everyone.

I bought this pattern and these fabrics to make this quilt. You do a row a month. I am so excited!

A witch was caught in a web!
Ammon was really concerned about the witch in the web and kept asking if we could help her.

After this, we dropped Grace off, headed to the library to check out books, and spent the rest of the day reading books to the kids. I think I read thirty books. I know my voice was threatening to go out, and I was just thankful it held up because the kids kept wanting to read more and more. That was a very cozy and happy part of the day. Honestly, I wish I had a picture because I liked it even more than Wee Witches–and I am a BIG fan of Wee Witches!!