An amazing evening with the Crofts

On Tuesday I wanted to give Ammon and Clarissa some fun–and also needed to get out of the house. After Clarissa’s nap, she came downstairs and I started cleaning one mess after another. I was in the middle of sweeping up crumbs when she poured a bottle of bubble solution under the fridge, so I dropped the broom and ran over to clean that. While I was cleaning that, she dragged a chair over to the kitchen counter and got into the yogurt, so I raced away from the bubbles to clean her up.

At that point, I buckled her and Ammon into the car, raced inside to quickly finish cleaning the spills, and drove them to the Thanksgiving Point Farm. My mom was very kind and picked up the girls from school and then took Lydia to her orthodontist appointment.

Ammon and Clarissa loved riding the donkey and wandered around the farm in a state of delight. Clarissa kept pointing excitedly at all of the animals and moo-ing at them. We also went on an exceptionally pleasant buggy ride.

In the evening we got a babysitter and went out for Dairy Queen and then to tea at the Crofts’ house. Betsy messaged me after the excommunication this week and wanted to discuss faith stuff. We talked with them for HOURS and loved every minute. They specifically wanted to make sure that I knew they were my friends no matter if I left the Church. I thought that was an incredible message and felt so much love for and from these beautiful humans. I love them.