The zoo

On Friday I took Ammon and Clarissa to the zoo. I had the thought to listen to the Hamilton soundtrack on the way down, and from the minute I turned it on to the minute we pulled in, I felt a giant surge of the Spirit. I felt so happy, excited, and joyful at the thought that Alexander Hamilton lived a complicated but purposeful life and then that Lin Manuel Miranda could come along and layer his outpouring of creativity and art on top of that life. It is such a breathtaking thought, to make meaning of someone else’s life with art. I felt so happy and close to God.

By the time we pulled in to the zoo, it was raining, so we went to Old Navy to get rain jackets since I didn’t think to pack any (it was sunny when we left and I didn’t check the weather). Ironically, the minute we stepped out of Old Navy, the rain had stopped and the sun was shining.

The zoo ended up being the perfect temperature and so fun. Clarissa and Ammon are great ages for the zoo. They are so appreciative. Ammon is so sweet and goes, “Look Mommy! Awww, he’s so cute!” at basically every animal. And Clarissa just was entranced by every animal. We rode the train at the end and I loved cuddling with both of them.

I had camera issues so I only got this one photo before giving up the phone and just living in the moment for the rest of the time.

In the evening I hosted my Doorkeeper’s Book Club meeting, and that was so therapeutic. Abe even joined because I went to cross- fit with him right before. It was a trade off. The book club went really, really long but I think everyone was just happy to have a safe space to discuss our spiritual journeys.