Practice and pool

On Wednesday I spent an hour with Mary on the piano while Lydia babysat the babies in the basement, and then I spent an hour and a half with Lydia on the harp while Mary babysat the babies. They are both SO good about their practice and morning routines this summer. I am so proud of their hard work. Every morning they make their beds, clean their rooms, eat breakfast, practice one hour and read for one hour. And they are starting to do these things without me saying anything, which feels like a miracle to me.

In the afternoon they had acting camp for two and a half hours, which they both seem to love.

After acting camp we came home and I took Lydia, Ammon and Clarissa to the pool. Mary was tired and wanted to stay home, so I let her do that with my mom. At the pool Lydia went down the big slide by herself a lot, and Clarissa wore her floatie for the first time! She was in Clarissa-heaven. Clarissa’s favorite thing, as we have said before, is water. So the fact that she could be surrounded by water without me holding her was just a dream come true. She grinned and paddled and tried to kick. It was adorable.

Afterward Abe let the kids run around outside while he worked. He had a ton of work to do, but he took some pictures of the kids while they were together.