lemonade stand

Today I was still sore from Saturday, and I was really tired so I was the grumpiest I have been with the kids in months. I was really, really unpleasant. Finally during Clarissa’s nap I grudgingly helped Lydia start up her lemonade stand and then retreated to be by myself for hours. That helped a lot and the kids all forgave me when I told them I was sorry (four hours later). My mom was a saint and really helped the kids with the lemonade stand.

I took this picture while I was still being a really unpleasant mother. Lydia was gracious, forgiving, grateful, and smiling.

I did managed to clean the house, do a bunch of laundry, make soup, supervise a harp practice and bathe the babies. Then I took a nap when Abe came home. At 7:30 we went to cross-fit. I was sure I wouldn’t be able to do more than cheer Abe on, but the work-out actually helped loosen up my muscles. I guess that’s good to know! I almost died in the work-out, but that’s the story of cross-fit I guess.

Also, Lydia is old enough to start reading the blog! Today I asked her what she read for her hour of reading, and she said, “the blog.” She goes around quoting parts and laughing. It makes me sooooooo happy. It’s a literal dream come true.