Tacoma museums

On Wednesday we headed to the Museum of Glass in Tacoma. While the glass collection in the museum itself is not quite as impressive as the museum in Seattle, they have a glass making studio in the Tacoma museum. We got to watch the artists at work. And the kids also got to enter a competition to have their drawings made into glass. At one point, one of the people in the studio spent a lot of time talking to Mary and asked her to draw a monkey for him. Jean and I were ecstatic thinking he would turn her drawing into glass because it was an AWESOME monkey. But it turned out she had to make a separate drawing for that competition, and the subject she picked (I can’t remember now what it was) seemed very unlikely to make it into glass. I was so sad she didn’t just draw her monkey again. We could have made another trip to Seattle to see them make her monkey if she won!

Anyway, after that excitement, we ate lunch in the museum cafe and then walked across the Chihuly bridge of glass, which is amazing. Then we stopped in the Tacoma courthouse and looked at all of the glass there before going on to the Children’s Museum. Clarissa fell asleep so I sat with her while Jean took the other kids through. When she woke up she was so excited to join her siblings and do all of the fun museum stuff.

The glass hot shop (or whatever the studio was called).

I am aghast that I could not manage to take a better picture of something that already is pre-gridded, but I guess I was chasing Clarissa, Ammon, or probably both. I probably just snapped some pictures and then took off after my babies.
In the Tacoma courthouse

Outside the courthouse.
This is how Clarissa napped for most of the trip.

Water is Clarissa’s favorite thing in the world and when it was time to move on from the water table (because she was drenched and shivering), she screamed and screamed. There were lots of other fun things to do which she reconciled herself to doing, but it was a hard adjustment.