another sick day for Abe and Lydia (and some deep cleaning)

Abe was up all of Wednesday violently shaking with chills again, so he stayed home again on Thursday. He did feel slightly better and spent a lot of the day working in bed. He did go to lunch to help one person on his team career plan, and he got a hair cut. By the end of the day he seemed to be doing much better. It’s been a really rough week for him.

Lydia also woke up with her throat bright red. She felt sick and had a stuffy nose, so in light of Abe’s virus, I let her stay home from school.

I spent the day thoroughly deep cleaning the house and listened to approximately a million podcasts while doing so. I adore Radio Free Mormon, A Year of Polygamy, and A Thoughtful Faith, but I mostly listened to Radio Free Mormon on Thursday. It gave me an excuse to fold hundreds of clothes and seriously organize some rooms and spaces that desperately needed it. Also, RFM is hilarious and I laughed until I cried in several episodes. I desperately need religion to have some humor these days, and RFM is so great at pointing that out.