Cute baby

I started out strong on the treadmill and did errands with Clarissa while the kids were in school, but during her nap I just climbed into bed and hardly moved until it was time to pick the kids up from school. To be fair, it is that time of month and I just feel so tired.

Also, Clarissa is really hard right now. There is no break unless I am in a physically different building from her. When I’m home she’s either awake and very strong-willed, or in her room for nap time wailing because she doesn’t want to nap. Right now she’s crying at the door because she doesn’t want to sleep. It feels like the only break happens once she falls asleep, and even then it’s no guarantee she will sleep through the night.

But…she is adorable. And when I got her from her nap, I discovered this:

Also, Abe had a terrific day at work today! I was in shock because he came home raving about how much he loves his job, how he could do it forever, and what a high he’s on right now. This was music to my ears!!