Canyon Colors

Today was a very very good day. I was completely exhausted and a little sick from the trip, however, I got a ton of good news at work. We got way more credit for a deal that billed than we expected, and some criteria changed for my next promotion that might make it easier.

Below is a picture of a tiny jamboree. I’m not sure what it is, but Lily got it and Lydia on her phone:


After work we drove through the Alpine Loop to see the fall colors. We drove up to the summit and then parked and ate the crepes that Lily brought from the crepery. We were probably two weeks too late (the very end of September or the very beginning of October is probably the best), but the colors were still very pretty, even if a bit more muted, and we still felt like we were doing fall. The air was crisp and beautiful and it was a very fun way to pass the evening with the family. Below are some pictures, not of which do the actual scenery justice: