Happy Birthday Mom, New Dishes, and Lily’s Sweetness!

We don’t have any photos for Wednesday and as far as I can remember it was pretty plane. It was a half-day for Lydia, and the last day before fall-break for all the kids in school.

I was still fighting a cold at work and feeling down about my faith struggles, but three things helped cheer me up:

  1. It was my mom’s birthday, and I had a very lovely chat with her. She is so sweet and just recovering from the corporate tax deadline that just finished the day before her birthday (she runs a tax practice).
  2. It was “bring your own dish to the lunch-line” day, and I went to William-Sanoma on my lunch break to buy a plate, a bowl and a fork so I don’t waste paper with every meal now. And I qualified for a free cookie!
  3. Lily has been over the top sweet to me and telling me she loves in various intentional and touching ways.

Mary had a performance class in the evening. I’m guessing Lily and I also watched Game of Thrones.