On Saturday I lounged around in my pajamas until, er, 3pm. I don’t remember everything I did but Abe got this picture of a cozy reading moment. I have been reading The Conscious Parent and have been trying to be more present with my kids. It is amazing how I actually perceive and see them completely differently when I am relaxed and mindful. It’s a great book.

Lydia baked two batches of waffles AND Abe’s birthday cake all by herself!!

At 3 I left for bikram yoga, and after working out so much all week it felt amazing to do bikram. Then I came home, showered, and helped get people ready to go to Betsy’s birthday party. She had it at the Neighborhood Art Center in Provo, and wow was it fun. There was delicious food everywhere and lots of stations to create. It encapsulated Betsy’s creativity, talent, and fun so perfectly.

Also I had the best conversation with a friend from Hyde Park. Sometimes I wonder if I misunderstood or came to the wrong conclusions about Jesus after reading books by Ehrman, Sanders, Aslan, Moffic, and N.T. Wright. But her husband went to the University of Chicago and is a professor that specializes in early Christianity, and he has come to the same conclusions I have. This was immensely validating to me because I don’t know any flesh and blood people who have studied the historical Jesus. It’s just not a thing Mormons do, and most don’t even know what the term, “historical Jesus” even means. So sometimes I think I’ve gone completely crazy and am all alone, but to find her husband, who is brilliant and has been educated at the best schools in the country, feels the same way I do was just so AMAZING. I wanted to give her a giant hug every five seconds and thank her for talking to me.

Also Abe made the best painting in the art room. Isn’t he talented?

Meanwhile we left Ammon at home with my mom. They had a peaceful, fun evening watching Dumbo together. (Ammon calls it “Jumbo.”)