Day 4 in Bora Bora

Thursday in Bora Bora was another day in paradise. Lily loved looking at the trees and the white birds that were in them. Here is a video that captures her view.

Today I went on the shark tour. Lily stayed on the beach and read.

The shark tour was amazing. I didn’t have my camera with me, but Stacey Creer took photos and a video that are below (Thank you a million Stacey!):

The shark tour was amazing. We all loaded in a boat. I chatted mostly with Mark, Stacey and Jensen. The tour guide was hilarious. When we asked him what the sharks we were going to swim with ate, he told us, “white people.”

Here are two videos of him playing a traditional 8 string Ukelele:

Video 1

Video 2

The first stop was thrilling. We swam with manta rays and black-tip sharks that were 5 to 6 feet long.

The second stop was my favorite. We stopped at a choral reef that had hundreds if not thousands of beautiful tropical fish. The boat guide also jumped down and coaxed out an eel for me to see.

Between the second and third stop, I had a wave of pressure come over me to go to the bathroom. I don’t know what the issue was (maybe it was the two cans of juice I had in the boat), but I had to go so bad that it hurt to sit down and I wanted to cry. I was almost seriously considering jumping out of the boat while the boat was going because the next stop was 15 minutes away. Finally I made it to the next stop and saw more sharks and thoroughly relieved myself.

Stop three had lime sharks. I thought they were 11-12 feet long, but the tour guide said 708 feet I think, so I would trust him. It was amazing to swim with such beautiful and intimidating creatures.

We did one final stop where we just swam in the most beautiful, shallow water, ate grapefruit, coconut and coconut bread and listed to our tour guide, and a fellow boat’s guide play ukuleles and sing beautiful songs.

All in all, it was such a great time.

I got super burnt on the tour. Even though I concentrated on staying in the shade while on the boat, the total of one hour or so that I spent in the water was enough to completely fry me. I sprayed some sunscreen on my back, but it only got in spots, so where it didn’t get burned very badly. I should have gotten someone to help me!

Afterwords Lily and I went to dinner and Stacey Creer got a picture of us.

Also, here is a pretty picture at dusk of our Bora Bora island and it’s peak.

At night, Lily and I tried to meditate, but I broken into a chill and started shaking. We thought it was due to my sunburn. Lily said whenever my back got close to her at night, it was like a heater because it was so hot from the burn.