First Full Day Back, Mary’s Separation Anxiety and Clarissa’s Cuteness

Tuesday was our first full day back and sadly Lily and I were both completely exhausted. That is particularly sad because when our kids (especially Mary) asked why we needed to be gone so long, we explained that the reason we were going was in large part so we could come back springy and refreshed with more energy to be great parents and play and engage with the children.

Yet here we were, flat on our backs, exhausted after our week in paradise. Lily still had a sickness lingering, I was recovering from a massive sunburn with my skin peeling like a shedding snake, and we were both tired from the overnight flight which was not great sleep for either of us (especially Lily). So, that’s a bit sad and ironic, yet I still felt lighter in my spirit, and happier than before my trip. Psychologically it was powerful and restful for me, but I didn’t expect how much Lily and I would need to physically recover after our trip. My day at work was so painful. I was so tired and Lily reported she was very tired at home also.

Speaking of Mary being sad about us leaving, she feels separation much more potently than our other children. She is our child that struggled to go to nursery without an adult (so they just called Lily to the nursery). She is our child that completely spurned Lily when she left for 2-3 days to visit Martha Stewart. And now, at age 7, she is our child that:

  • Asked repeatedly before we left why we had to go
  • Still mourned our leaving when we did face time with her while at Bora Bora
  • Still asked why we had to go days after we got back
  • Said I loved mom more than her because I left her to be with mom
  • Left us these absolutely adorable and heart-melting notes for us to come back to:

I am so touched by Mary’s sweetness. Mary, I would never ever leave you for work, for vacation, for anything if that were at all practical. There is never a moment I am with you when I don’t want to be with you. I love and adore the sweetness in your heart, and your possessive love touches me so deeply because it makes me feel loved, and needed, and it only makes me feel so much more that I love you too.

While I was painfully slogging away at work (and staying late because of how backed up I was), Lily was taking care of things on the home-front.

Here is a video and some photos of Lily cuddling and being with the kids.

Also, I need to report that Clarissa has been exceptionally adorable lately. On Tuesday, she looked at Lily and said, “What’s your name?” She has been very verbal, very happy, and very very cute. There are adorable anecdotes about her just about every day, many of which I forget, but I’m so grateful that Lily captured this video to show just how cute she is right now. She has turned the pantry into her own personal pantry and she’s always trotting in there to secretly find treasures. In the video, Lily caught her and the conversation is adorable.

So good to be back! Bora Bora was so amazing, but it pales in comparison to the colors, sunshine, scenery and weather in my home. I am so so blessed.