Driving Home

Today we spent almost the entire day driving home from Denver on the breathtakingly beautiful I-70.

We did, however, have a lovely breakfast first and stop a juice stop for the second time to get some health juice and immunity booster shots to help Lily and the kids and I with our health. The immunity booster shots were not for the kids, and for a good reason. They had TONS of ginger. Here is a video of me drinking one.

Then we hit the road. We went to QDoba for lunch. Here is a video of Clarissa being cute in QDoba, and here are some pictures of the family.

After lunch we charged forward to make it home by around 9:30 PM. I drove the whole way to help Lily recover. Today she was incredibly sick, sicker than I’ve seen her ever except for on rare occasions. On the drive home, we finished the book Holy Envy by Barbara Brown Taylor. She and Richard Rhor capture my own spirituality perfectly (and they have influenced it greatly). One of my favorite things about Lily is all of the beautiful learning she exposes me to.