Carona Virus

I am very confused by Carona virus. I genuinely don’t understand how serious it is, or how seriously we should treat it. Is it worth shutting down our entire economy and lifestyle over? Today was a big whirlwind for me.

I made it into the office today, and on the way in I called one of my direct reports to tell him I would be late for our coaching session because I was taking care of our sick family. “We have the Carona Virus”, I said, “just kidding.” He didn’t laugh and when I got into the office, I understood why.

I didn’t realize how serious things had gotten with Carona virus during my days out of the office. Within one hour of me being in the office, we received instructions to head home to begin an indefinite “work-from-home” period. I also learned the NBA cancelled its season, the stock market went down 10% after already sliding previously, and that March Madness was cancelled.

Throughout the day it dawned on me, that we are entering a period of extreme abnormality. Trader Joes and Walgreens were both out of toilet paper. Stores were packed with people stocking up. Events were cancelled everywhere.

I just learned today (Friday) church is cancelled Sunday.

I spent Thursday being plugged into work, and learning more about the Carona virus situation and working to help my team stay focused and connected by creating a group check-in and check-out call ever day. When I finished with work, I took the kids (Lily was still sick) to GoodWood Barbecue to see my brothers and my mom and Jay. It was amazing to see Jere and David, and particularly David because I haven’t seen him for probably two years. He wasn’t sure if he had yet met Clarissa. I’m so grateful I’ve gotten to see Jere more often (Jere and David are too of my all time favorite people), and it was such a treat to see David on this occassion. We caught up about life, work, the higher education crisis, Olivia, living in Vermont and more. Also, it’s always great to see my mom and Jay!

The kids were mostly well behaved. After returning home, I passed out on the couch and shot this video of Lily playing cutely with the kids. I’m not sure if the video audio is working, but Lily spent a fair amount of time ordering things to eat and drink from Ammon and Clarissa and after each order they would disappear into the hallway to make it and then they would bring it back to Lily. Clarissa has really been into wearing capes recently! I then helped Lily put the kids to bed and clean the house. I went to bed at 11:30 or so and had great pillow talk with Lily (and even helped quiz her on German and Greek!) and had no idea I was about to wake up three and a half hours later sick…………