Busy, Busy

Lately, our household has been incredibly busy. My work has been going very well (from a productivity, not billing standpoint), and I have been exerting extremely hard and driving myself into the ground somewhat. Becoming aware of the meltdown I was headed towards, I scheduled two days off of work May and May 5.

Lily has been equally busy, and equally stressed. She has been going no-stop with her exercise, dieting, house-cleaning, home-schooling, german etc etc. Just look at her list! I’m writing this almost two weeks later, and I can report that both Lily and I have decided to take life at a little bit healthier and slower clip. We were just driving ourselves into the ground with the pace and there is so much in life to be enjoyed right now if we have the presence of mind to enjoy it (which is hard to have when we are overextending.)

Here is a random picture of our beautiful daughter Lydia.

Mary too has been exceptionally busy. Not only does she have piano, eye-exercises and periodic doses of laxatives to help her figure out her poop accidents that are still happening, but she also got very behind in school when we first transitioned to school from home and Lily was extremely sick. It took us a long time to figure out what she was behind in, what her assignments were, where to find the, etc etc. Once that all got straightened out, Lily and Georgia have been working with her double-time to catch up. As a result, Mary has also been very very very busy. Sweet girl.