Care Center Evaluation

On Wednesday my dad and Suzanne took turns watching our children so that Lily and I could both be present to do a more thorough evaluation of care centers.

We first took a longer visit at Legacy Village. We liked everything we saw. Georgia said nothing left her disappointed. Just to make sure we were evaluating multiple options we also went and looked at Jamestown.

Jamestown was also amazing. The candy bomber lives there. They have adorable baby ducks. They have tons of huge activities and their nurse is Amy Hansen, who we all know and love from our last ward. Lexi, her amazing daughter who babysat for us also works there.

But right after visiting Jamestown, Georgia wanted to go back to Legacy one more time. She really liked that one. It was clean, calm and new. Everything seemed nice and well-run. Jamestown was also nice, but it was an older building, a much larger operation and a bit more chaotic seeming.

We cancelled our third care center visit because we all felt sure that Legacy Village was the right place if we decided to do the care center route. Georgia was such a trooper! Her episodes are daily and she struggles with exhaustion and walking at times, but she was able to be present and effective for all three visits.

We were so grateful for dad and Suzanne to enable our visits. Of course, the kids adore them and have so much fun with them. Suzanne took some adorable pictures of the kids lined up at the leg rest and we got some more fun photos too.

Mary corresponds with a fairy named Gwendolyn that lives in Suzanne’s backyard
Suzanne got Mary a straw in the shape of glasses!

It was a huge day for all of us. In the early-evening, we all went swimming because Lily had rented time in the pool of the kid’s swim instructor. I felt overwhelmed by everything going on and suggested we cancel. Lily wanted to keep the appointment and I was fine with that. It turned out to be exactly what we all needed. We felt so refreshed after the swim. We had so much fun and we felt re-energized for the road ahead. Georgia was in great hands with Suzanne while we swam.

Also, I took these picture of some amazing Lily’s we got at Trader Joe’s. They are gigantic and added so much beauty to our home during this difficult time.