Yucky day

On Monday I had what we’ll call it the worst day in a while. I think I hadn’t quite processed all of the recent stress and on Monday I just kind of blew.

Instead of going into the ugly details of what that looked like and so memorialize my maternal deficits for the duration this blog stays up and running, I will just say that by 4:30pm I had put myself in time out in the basement with all of the alcohol we have in the house (not much, and not great. Utah is the worst for buying liquor and because I don’t drink regularly I never feel like I want to prioritize it enough to drive all the way across town for anything good).

Thank goodness for friends and family. While I was sipping away Swathi called and was so wonderful to talk to, and then Clark called and was incredibly helpful too. Oh, and in the moment of my actual mid-day meltdown Chelsea called and suggested I put Lydia in physical school again, which was brilliant and which I promptly did.

And then when I was alone feeling so terrible, all of my Thrive friends jumped on Marco Polo and gave me the best polos ever. They shared wonderfully specific examples of times when they did similar things, felt similarly, and just made me feel not so crazy, deficient and alone. And, of course, I happen to be married to my favorite conversationalist ever, so after the kids were in bed Abe talked to me for a long, long time. By the time we were done talking I felt like I could maybe make it one more day.

The day started out really sweetly with Ammon bringing me this little bird he had drawn.
Ok, I guess this day has several good moments. Here Clarissa is at Ammon’s soccer practice being so cute.
I did not realize you don’t have to wear uniforms to practice. Poor Ammon sweat through this one!