Dance day

On Monday our next door neighbor, Paula, came over to teach Ammon and the girls how to dance. Ammon had his own lesson a couple hours before the girls because of his age and also because dancing is his favorite thing. Paula was so sweet and creative with all the kids, and I feel so lucky to have such talented neighbors.

Mary has been so good about getting her piano, school work, eye exercises, and reading practice done every day. She and Ammon have been playing so well together lately so I took a video. Truth be told, literally all of the kids want to play with Mary. Ammon and Clarissa regularly break down in–often hysterical–tears when she has to stop playing with them and go complete one of her tasks. And Lydia threw a fit just last week when Mary wouldn’t or couldn’t (I can’t remember which) play with her. Basically we all love Mary.