Lydia’s chit chat

I don’t remember what happened on Monday other than we were all sick and everyone stayed home from school. One day this week Lydia asked to just stay up talking with me and so I’ll put that conversation on Monday’s blog even though I don’t know which day it happened. During the course of the conversation Lydia turned to Mary and said, “Mary, I asked Mom and Dad if this life is just a dream. One said that that was a very good question, and the other said it was most likely not a dream. Which parent do you think said which?”

Mary replied, “Mom said it was a good question and Dad said probably not.”

Lydia laughed and said, “Mary, how did you guess?”

Mary said with her little characteristic mousy voice, “Well, Mom is the type of person who likes to give compliments and Dad is the smart one who knows all the answers.”

At that exchange, I was doubled over in laughter. It was hilarious.

During this conversation I also learned that Lydia thinks Ammon is very similar to her because after playing they like to relax and because she thinks they are the two kids who get in trouble the most. I also learned that Mary gets offended easily (according to Lydia) and will huff away from their games if she feels something was offensive. She also told me that she and Mary have a whole world for their stuffed animals and that at this point they don’t even need their animals to play pretend with them. Sometimes they play pretend stuffed-animal world just talking while lying in bed before they drift off to sleep. They only own one stuffed animal that doesn’t have a specific family and home and identity in their world. I thought this was all so interesting and wondered out loud why we don’t talk about this stuff more.

Both girls said that it’s because I have four kids and whenever they want to talk to me they get interrupted or somebody whines or cries. That’s probably true. Hopefully though I can make more time to have intentional talks with my older kids more regularly because I loved learning what’s going on in Lydia’s mind.