Goblin Valley with Baps and Bapa

This is how amazing the scenery is right at our Yurt site.

This morning, we woke up the sleepy kids early so that we could hike early and be on the road by about 9:00. This was both so my dad and I could get back to our work days and also so that we could leave Goblin Valley before it got insanely hot.

Before leaving the yurt site, we got to see a neat sunrise.

The morning was perfect weather and the valley of the goblins was not crowded at all. We had such a good time!

We climbed the green mountain.

And climbed and walked on the dragon’s back.

Goblin Valley has become such a prominent getaway spot for our family and it was so so fun to share it with my dad and Suzanne. We are so grateful they came to make the trip extra special!

Here is a family pic from the car ride home!