Organizing day #2

The only thing of note on Tuesday as that we showed up to ballet and realized they weren’t having lessons because of dance camp. Knowing now that I had Covid but wasn’t experiencing symptoms yet, this was very fortunate.

We did go visit my mom right after, but we all stayed in the car and gave her some bread we had picked up from Kneaders. We were on our way home to continue the massive cleaning and organizing kick I was on, and I am so glad we didn’t get out of the car and expose my mom unknowingly!

I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, organizing closets, and organizing Mary and Lydia’s room. We also taped up ripped books and organized all of the picture books in the play room by color. They used to be organized by country and category, but they would get all out of place all of the time. ROYGBIV is mentally easy and visually appealing, so it’s my default organizational method for clothes, books, and everything else. It felt so satisfying to stand back and see everything look so good.

Abe took this a few days after I organized and cleaned their room. I still have to order some box spring covers because the black box springs drive me a little nuts, but the fact that there is not anything under the beds or on the floor makes me happy. Their closet and set of drawers under their window is now also clutter-free and organized. Yay!