16 1/2 hour cleaning day

On Monday I started organizing the garage at 6am, and I didn’t stop organizing and cleaning the house until 10:30pm. It was really fun to get everything in order! The garage had been beyond unbelievably disorganized. There were small mountains of stuff everywhere, and every time we arrived home from a trip we just dumped everything in the garage before heading out on the next trip. So I laundered everything and put away everything until all the piles were gone.

While I cleaned the garage Clarissa scootered around in her unicorn headband.

Then Mary, Lydia and I picked up Basil from the dog boarding facility and took him straight to the dog wash to clean him up. Everyone was so thrilled to have Basil back!

Then I came home and moved on to the pantry which had been another disaster. It was so bad that I could barely squeeze into the pantry to get stuff because the floor was covered in kitchen gadgets and open boxes of cereal. So I cleaned and organized the pantry until it became useful again.

And then I moved onto every drawer in the kitchen, which was also out of control. There are still some cabinets that could use help, but they are so high I can’t reach them without a small ladder.

It took me the whole day to clean and I am not sure what the kids did this day, but I do have some cute pictures from it!

Oh now I remember. The kids spent a LOT of time doing their nails, and when Lexy came in the evening they did their nails again. They also did a lot of dress up and played outside a lot. I am sure there were screens involved, although I did tell Mary and Lydia they are forbidding from watching anything–other than movies we watch together as a family and the Olympics–until the summer is over.