Mental health day

Today Abe got a day off for Qualtrics’ mental health day, so he went biking up South Fork Canyon with Daniel Olsen and a new friend, and all three of them got their personal bests! Then he came home, showered, and took the kids on six hour shopping trip to get prepared for our upcoming camping and backpacking trips.

In their final store, Target, Clarissa spotted a giant motorized princess carriage and threw a twenty minute tantrum when Abe told her she was not getting it. Lydia told me this story between fits of giggles when I tucked her in at night. Lydia said the carriage was the most ridiculous thing and that Clarissa could not be pacified until she convinced herself that she would be able to build it when she got home. I thought this was very funny.

I got up early to help Mary and Ammon with their Zoom piano lessons at 7:15, I fed the kids lunch and cleaned the kitchen a couple times, and then I spent the rest of the day on the couch. I had plans to do so much more, but the post-Covid fatigue is really getting the better of me.

Basil had diarrhea today, so at least I had company!

Lydia took this selfie during her harp practice.
On the way to shop with Abe.
The kids liked the overhead aquarium in one of the sporting goods stores.
I don’t know the story behind this statue but Abe took this picture on the outing and the kids are cute.