garage organizing day

The kids spent a large part of the morning playing store. Each kid had a store. Clarissa had a tattoo parlor. Ammon danced for people in his store. Mary sold her art pictures and Lydia had a soda shop where she made orange juice soda with whipped cream and a chocolate drink for people (using chocolate syrup). Abe visited each shop and paid for things with piggy and horsie back rides for the kids. It turned into a hilarious game with Abe trying to give horsie rides while non-riding children put obstacles in Abe’s way and tried to physically prevent him from completing his ride for each kid. Abe pushed through the obstacles and collapsed at the end, but had a very fun time, as did the kids (who giggled and laughed during the ordeal).

Here are pictures from the kid’s stores:

Clarissa gave her dad a tatoo with her new body crayons.
Clarissa gave Mary a tattoo too!

Here are videos from the store:

Here is a video of Lydia saying supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in slow motion:

Long day! (Clarissa was asleep, and the girls thought her position was funny and so they imitated her.)

Abe then spent the rest of the day helping me organize the garage.

With the basement still under construction, our garage has been a disaster. We spent the evening organizing this side. We took this picture before we cleaned the floors, but after we had completely revamped this half of the garage. Now the floors are totally clean and it is so, so nice to use (this half) of the garage!