Fishing in Fish Lake

In the morning Basil snuggled in his sleeping bag with the kids.
Waking up in Pando.

After breakfast we packed up our tent and headed to the lake for a boat ride.

Beautiful Lydia.
This was Basil’s first boat ride and I think he liked it!
Our first stop. We tried to fish but after ten minutes tried another part that the boat rental people had recommended.
At the new spot, everyone caught a fish!
Lydia’s fish
Ammon’s fish
Mary’s fish
We discovered that by peering under the boat we could see the fish. I loved looking under the boat and seeing the world down there.
Then we boated to the other side of the lake and everyone except Clarissa jumped in the lake. Clarissa is actually asleep in this picture. She fell asleep on the way over. Only Abe and I stayed in the water to swim because the kids thought it was too cold and jumped right back in the boat after jumping in.
Abe took this from the water. So cute.
After our boat ride we went to the nearby restaurant for some lunch.

After lunch we drove home, unloaded the car, fried up the fish we’d caught, ate the fish, and got everyone bathed and ready for the week. It was a wonderful, beautiful weekend. We will be back, Fish Lake!

I’m adding this addendum almost one year later. I found a journal entry Mary wrote for school shortly after the Fish Lake trip and I wanted to include it here: