Flights to Raleigh

On Thursday I was still feeling sick and moving slowly, so Abe and I were up until past 2am packing and cleaning the house. Then we were up by 4:30 so that we could make it to the airport in time for our 7am flight. We had a slight snafoo with the parking situation and had to make a last minute decision to park right next to the airport–and even still, we just barely made our flight with only five minutes to spare. It was close!

Lydia took this selfie on the flight.

We had a layover in Dallas, and there was an issue with the plane from Dallas to Raleigh. We ended up being stuck on the runway for over an hour before deplaning and then re-boarding a different plane an hour later. We ended up arriving in Raleigh over three hours later than planned. When we got to the car rental in Raleigh, we discovered I had accidentally canceled our rental and forgotten to re-book it. Thankfully the Budget people were accommodating and found us a car on the spot.

Making up fun handshakes and dances while waiting for Abe to rent the car.
After we rented the car we drove to Benny Capitale’s, a pizza place (with yummy but scorching hot pizza) that was still open late at night. While running from the car to the restaurant, Ammon tripped and bumped his head hard on the pavement. Here Clarissa is petting his boo-boo and trying to help him feel better. I am grateful his sisters were so nice to him when he fell. I am usually upset when Ammon injures himself because I always feel like he is doing unnecessarily risky, active things. But Ammon, although endowed with every inclination toward inadvertent-yet-certain self-destruction, is the sweetest child. Happily his sisters seem to recognize this and offered him lots of comfort when he hurt himself.

Here is what Mary captured about today in her travel journal: