Homeward Bound

Today I went to Aurora for my passport appointment. Everything went as planned and they asked me to come back at 2:00 to pick up my passport. That gave me time to go back to Colorado Springs, pick up the family (Lily had packed and gotten the kids all ready), grab brunch and head back to Aurora. At 2:00, I got my passport!

Here we are at brunch at The Market of the Gods & Cafe:

People were watching Tennis while waiting for food

On the way home we finished The Hobbit and the older folks in the car LOVED IT. We got perpetally more and more drawn in until by the end Lily and I were waiting on every word with bated breath. Mary and Lydia loved it so much too. That book truly is a masterpiece.

Also, as we were driving home, we were absolutely STUNNED by the scenery going through the Colorado mountains. The fall colors put the whole scene over the top. I think it is one of the prettiest drives I have EVER been on, rivaled only by Mt. Olympus in Greece (which was also in the fall).

I asked Lily to take pictures. She took picture or two and a short video and refused to take any more because she said it was depressing how poorly the photos captured the grandeur of the scenery. The yellows were glowing. It was so gorgeous!

Then Ammon announced he had to pee. At first it seemed like a big inconvenience, but the stop really worked out. Not only did the kids all get a snack at the vending machine, but the rest stop was a gorgeous area right next to the river and we read all about the stretch of road we were on called Glenwood Canyon. It turns out is the most celebrated stretch of Interstate in the United States, and for good reason! Below is some of the information we found at that rest stop as well as a video of the rest stop area.

We also got some fun pictures!

We pulled in around 11PM. How I love traveling with my family!