Last days before Abe comes back

Yesterday I was scolding Ammon for making a mess upstairs and he was trying to be contrite but kept smiling. Finally I asked him why he was smiling. He said it was because they were playing hide and seek and he had just found Clarissa. She was in the laundry basket right next to me and I had no idea!
Mary made this comic for her school project. So proud of her.

I am starting to engage in unhealthy behaviors and I think it is because Abe is gone. Today I spent a lot of time just scrolling online clothes imagining that if I owned said clothes maybe I would actually start getting dressed in the morning.

Here are Abe’s pictures from his time in Singapore.

Abe just loved the friends he made in the Qualtrics office. He loved having dinner with Sunil.
They spent the evening in Little India.