Grape Pie, Mary’s Cake, Maleficent, and Gardens by the Bay

Today was a good day for me, even though I’m feeling very ragged from all the pressures of travel, my training assignments and managing my team during Q4. I was able to catch up on work a lot in my hotel room, and I also got out for a good outing to see the Gardens by the Bay, one of Singapore’s more famous attractions.

I first went into an exhibit called flower fantasy. I think they named it appropriately!

Next, I went to the skywalk.

Then I went to the flower dome. Here is an exterior picture of it from the internet since all of my videos and pictures were from the inside of it.

Next I went to the Cloud Forest. In this picture from the internet, you can see the flower dome, the cloud forrest and the famous skywalk tree features.

Here are videos and pictures of my time in the Cloud Forest:

On my way home I walked through the mall.

And I continued to appreciate the remarkable architecture in Singapore, including this unusually skinny building on the right.

Back at home the family was having a lovely day of hearth and harmony. First they ate the grape pie they painstakingly made days before. Lily said the flavor was great, but the texture was not quite what she had hoped for.

Then Mary completely on her own initiative baked a cake, and Lydia helped her ice it. They even made fondant from scratch and decorated it immaculately!

Cutting the beautiful cake was a very dramatic moment since no one wanted to see such a masterpiece destroyed. They played a fitting soundtrack to commemorate the moment.

Clarissa had fun in her new Maleficent custom. She is so cute!!

I am so grateful for the unique and exceptional time I’m having in Singapore and I’m also missing my family so much. They are my beating heart, and I’m so grateful for facetime that allowed me to praise Mary with Lily for her cake and also see how cute Clarissa was in her costume. I’m also so grateful for the blog and all the phone calls I’ve had with Lily to help me feel closer to home. I love this family!