Clarissa’s Craft

Clarissa has been obsessed with water ever since she was a baby and so she was very excited to stay home and sculpt a water fountain yesterday. I was absorbed in my audiobooks and cleaning a lot of the day and neglected to take more pictures, but she and Mary played the ENTIRE day together. They played card games, crafted, and made up games. It was so cute.

I am slowly cooking my way through the new Smitten Kitchen cookbook and made the jacket potatoes and cauliflower dish yesterday. I also worked with Lydia on her Greek and Latin and did Ammon’s reading with him. I neglected Clarissa’s reading and have been letting Mary take a piano break since she is sick.

In the evening Abe and I played Pickleball and Azul together, which was so fun! Abe beats me every time in Pickleball but I love every minute and want to play it all day every day.