Goodbye Louie, Ginny, Clara, Bea

Today was another super fun day with everyone in town. In the morning I took Ammon, Bea, Lydia, Mary, Clarissa and Soren all on a bike ride (Ammon was on a scooter). We had an amazing time riding around together, and we rode in the parking lot of Mountain View High School and the Rec Center. It finally clicked in my head today why Mountain View is called Mountain View. See below 🙂

Then we all chatted and planned our big trip we are all going to do together in the Philippines in the winter. We are all very excited for it!

Then we all went to Red Iguana 2. The kids, of course, were having lots of fun together as they have been all trip. They were playing Cover Your Assets this morning before we left, and it has been been non-stop fun, play and bonding together for them. They have all gotten together so well and it’s so fun for all the grown-ups to observe how much they all love being together.

The food at Red Iguana 2 was soooooo good. I ate so much that I actually didn’t eat for the rest of the day. There was lively chatting throughout and everyone had a really good time. My dad, Suzanne, David, Olivia, and Ozzy all came to make the family gathering even more complete. It was so fun to be with so much of our wonderful family!

Then Lout, Ginny, Clara and Bea went to the airport. We will miss having them as we had such a good time being with them and showing them around Utah. They are so gracious, interesting, knowledge, kind, fun and deeply good. We are so grateful we could get to know them better!

Then Lily, napped and I worked for a bit. In the evening, Lily, Swathi, Clark and I played Pickle Ball. It was incredibly fun and it took my joy to the maximum, We really have been having so much fun with Clark and Swathi, and Pickle Ball has been a favorite activity for all of us.