Recovery and Getting the House Ready

Lily and I were both totally worn out from our long weeks. To recover, I slept in (deliciously). Lily turned to cleaning out her pores as a methodical therapeutic activity. She actually had a dream about cleaning her nose pores, and was thrilled to bring the dream to fruition. At first her nose looked very sore, but it soon faded.

Lily has really been in cleaning mode in preparation for our guests. She organized the pantry and fridge and has been working on the house. I’ve been helping too. After a workout, I built our trundle bed and helped with other things around the house (and planned and booked our California vacation).

Lily has also been listening to the My Brilliant Friend series by Elena Ferrante. It is one her most favorite books and authors she has ever read. She loves the masterful artistry in the book and the piercingly honest social observations brought to bare, and it has rekindled Lily’s desire to also write. I’m so happy for the joy, meaning and inspiration Lily is drawing from that book.

On the topic of beautiful artistry……

In the evening, Lily and I played games with the kids, one of our favorite things to do lately. We taught Clarissa to play 7 Wonders!