Chris, Caelen, and Gigi Arrive!

We had a great Sunday full of Lily working with the kids, me getting tasks done and playing with Ammon and the kids playing wonderfully together. Then to top things off with even more fun, Chris and his kids arrived around 6:30. All the kids immediately started playing so well together and then we had a salmon, rice and salad dinner. After putting the kids down, our dream came true by learning Seven Wonders with Chris. He had played before and he helped us to learn. We knew it would be an amazing game once we learned it, and we had sooooo much fun playing with Chris.

Time with the Olsens

Sundance has been getting a lot of snow this year, and I had an incredible time cross-country skiing with Daniel.

Later in the day, Lily and went to dinner with Daniel, Amanda and their two daughters (for Amanda’s birthday) at Jurassic Tacos and then we played games at their house afterwards. We loved our time with the Olsens today!

Cute Alligator

Today Clarissa was a very cute alligator in a school performance. I was very said to miss it for work meetings, but so glad Lily captured it on video. Clarissa did a great job in the play, and she is also getting so tall!

I am loving my new work schedule where I’m in the office every other day and at home every other day. I feel like it is the best of both worlds, and today I got to chat with Lily during my lunch as I ate her delicious Borscht.

Lydia (and I think Mary?) had sports camps in today (I think in Salt Lake?). I think Amy and some of her kids were also there. I don’t know details…

Clarissa’s Craft

Clarissa has been obsessed with water ever since she was a baby and so she was very excited to stay home and sculpt a water fountain yesterday. I was absorbed in my audiobooks and cleaning a lot of the day and neglected to take more pictures, but she and Mary played the ENTIRE day together. They played card games, crafted, and made up games. It was so cute.

I am slowly cooking my way through the new Smitten Kitchen cookbook and made the jacket potatoes and cauliflower dish yesterday. I also worked with Lydia on her Greek and Latin and did Ammon’s reading with him. I neglected Clarissa’s reading and have been letting Mary take a piano break since she is sick.

In the evening Abe and I played Pickleball and Azul together, which was so fun! Abe beats me every time in Pickleball but I love every minute and want to play it all day every day.

Lydia’s Board Game

Lydia worked so hard on this board game for her book report today. She spent hours and it looks amazing!
I was generally short tempered all day but I did read the little kids some Norse god mythology at the end of the day.
Ammon is obsessed with sharkie and wears him every night.

Abe is working incredibly hard at Qualtrics and worked late. We unwound at the end of the day by watching some White Lotus, which is such a fun show.