Seattle Logistics

Lily went to Seattle today for her in-person appointment to get her Passport for our upcoming trip to Canada. I woke up at 4:40 to pack and leave for Dallas for a work leadership conference. The security line was so insane that I missed my flight. One lady, who also missed her flight, said she was two hours early. I was an hour and ten minutes early, and that clearly was not enough.

Lily was battling Seattle logistics of her own. Traffic moved very slowly and there was a semi-truck riding her so closely that it was seriously stressing her out. I felt bad for her, but I also couldn’t help, but chuckle a bit at her colorful language. It really only comes out to that degree in traffic, and it makes me laugh.

Lily got her passport without a hitch, and I made it to Dallas just fine. I enjoyed practicing principles from How to Win Friends and Influence People which we have all been listening to and I learned a ton about my Uber drivers. I felt very tired today, but I’m hoping for more energy tomorrow. I did have a great time eating BBQ with my fellow managers, and I also got a nice weights workout to put that protein to work.

When Lily arrived, she had a great time being with family, and Clark made hand-made pasta for everyone. We’ve also been admiring their beautiful piano which one of Swathi’s patients gave to her. Here is Soren playing, I assume with his teacher. He’s doing really well!