Point Defiance Park, Olympia and Dinner/Ice-cream

Today Lily drove to Point Defiance Park to take a walk, and shortly into her walk she realized it was one of the most beautiful places she’d ever seen, and she cut her walk short, hustled back to the car, went back to the house and loaded all the kids (including Soren and Mira) in the car so she could take them. They spent the morning seeing the forest and the incredible beach. At the beach, there were kids digging for jelly fish. Ammon called them, “his crew” and he was so excited at their discoveries. Soon they gave him a shovel and Ammon got to dig too. It was so much fun for everyone! They even played jump-rope with the kelp!


After that, Lily dropped off Soren and Mira and took our kids to meet up with Julie and her family at Olympia National Park. They had a great time, pictures below!

Then Lily, Lydia and Clarissa went to ice-cream/dinner with Julie and her kids while Clark took Ammon, Soren, Mary and Mira to a park.

I arrived back from Dalles tired and stressed, but happy to see everyone. We sure have loved our visit so far!