A Happy Sunday

This morning, Lily and I played Wingspan (yay!) and then Lily and the kids watched Harry Potter movies since we are on a Harry Potter kick since Mary’s birthday. I think she may have also worked with the kids on music and reading etc. I was sad to miss the family movie time, but I was over the moon to be on another long run. It was my last practice run before the Portland half-marathon next week, and again my IT band held up and I felt great. The weather was perfect, and I was beyond happy.

When I got home, I rubbed Lily’s feet (they have been hurting), and then I loaded the bikes and we all went on a family bike ride on the Murdock trail. It was so fun and the weather was perfect. What a cherished experience!

Then we went to the Olive Garden with Georgia, and as always, that was a lot of fun.

At home, Lydia and Mary finished playing with their stuffed animals while Lily and I sat outside and talked to our neighbor Todd. Also, Ammon came outside and met two neighbor kids and biked with them to his utter delight. Also Casey and Chora came over and Ammon and Clarissa played with them as well in the back yard. The weather and community were so beautiful and it just made for a great evening. Lydia and Mary continued playing with their stuffed animals while Lily and I put Ammon and Clarissa down, and while Lily and I played Wingspan. They started early in the day and really went all out in their stuffy world. It was adorable, and Mary explained her stuffie world to me here on video: