A little scared by all the spending we’ve been doing for the new house, I figured one way to cut back on spending is to stay home all day. The other half of the equation was to keep busy enough that my iPad didn’t tempt me either, and it worked! The grand total I spent today was $0. Now if I can just repeat this feat more often, things will turn out hunky dory.
In my time at home, I focused on house projects–and Lydia! She has suffered so much from our neglect during this move, and while Mary has been every bit as neglected, Lydia is a little bit more emotionally sensitive…basically, she needed some attention. So today Lydia and I cuddled together, played 8 rounds of bingo together (she won every time–may her luck hold out like that for the rest of her life), baked cookies together, and read together. By the end of the day, she was so sweet. I basically baked the cookies while she hugged me the whole time. Again, a feat occurred today that bears repeating.
We got a very nice visit from our Bishopric tonight, and I feel very happy about our new ward. This is the friendliest community we’ve ever lived in.