Today was a whirlwind. The electricians came this morning and brought our entire house up to code. After they arrived, we left for yoga. I only went because I fear if I don’t go the class will get cancelled. There are usually fewer than three people in class–counting the instructor.
Then we came home, ate lunch, and had harp practice. Harp practice has taken three hours every day (except today, which took two) since we came back from the Tetons. Lydia was loving the no-practice routine that came with vacation. At one point Abe and I overheard her exclaiming joyfully, “It’s a whole new world without harp practice!”
It has been painful for everyone to get back into the grind, and therefore the majority of our practices are spent in time-out. We maybe get a good fifteen minutes of actual practice in. I can’t even imagine where Lydia would be if we actually practiced for three hours a day. Wouldn’t that be amazing?
After practice, I let the girls play while I fed Ammon. Then we read books and talked about how to tell time. We practiced counting in fives. After that the kids had some more free time, and then we had a reading and writing session. By then it was 5pm, so we tidied the house and I let the girls watch a show while Abe grilled dinner.
Abe had to leave after dinner to do Elder’s Quorum visits, during which time I put down Ammon and got the girls ready for bed. Then we cleaned up the kitchen and the neighbors came over to play for an hour.
It’s been a full day. I feel so, so grateful that I do not need a nap anymore. Not having to nap has made a HUGE difference in my life. I feel like there is a direct correlation between needing a nap and being pregnant/lactation/night feedings. Now that I have none of the above in my life, I actually feel functional. In Lydia’s words, “It’s a whole new world.” 🙂