Today was a full day! In the morning we all went to look at a house that popped into my inbox from Zillow. I loved it, but there are things we would have to change for it to work for us.
Then Jean, the kids and I all went to the Provo Rec Center pool. Jean took the girls down the big slides while I watched Ammon. It was so nice to not have to watch all three kids by myself! I am going to miss Jean so much. I wish she could come back next week already.
After we finished at the pool we went home and got ready for Lydia’s harp recital. She did a great job. I was so proud of her, and I was so proud of how much she practiced for her recital. Tom and Suzanne came down to see her too, and of course Jean and my mom were both there. I taped the recital so Abe could see it when he gets home (in half an hour!!!!).
As if that weren’t enough excitement, we picked up Mary and headed to the Qualtrics work party after the recital. The girls got their faces painted, we ate food truck food, slurped up snow cones, and watched the fireworks.
It was a full day!