Tibble Fork round 3

On Thursday I was feeling tired, so I allowed myself to be lazy during Clarissa’s nap. While she napped, I put Ammon in front of the TV and let the girls play outside with the neighbor kids while I watched Gone with the Wind. Obviously, I had to skip parts of the movie in order to finish the movie before Clarissa woke up. I watched it to refresh myself on the plot before I go and read the sequel about Rhett.

When Clarissa woke up, we all went to Tibble Fork again–this time with Brittany and her kids. It was, for the first time, PERFECT weather there. It was almost 100 degrees in Orem, but the mountains were in the 80’s–just perfect for playing in the sand and water. Brittany and I both even took quick dips in the freezing cold reservoir.

After the reservoir, we drove to Chipotle to meet Abe. He won a gift card to Chipotle at the spikeball tournament at Qualtrics. Thanks, Honey!

At 8pm I hosted book club. I was a little nervous because I picked the book Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that will Transform your Sex Life. I figured the discussion would either be stilted and awkward or rollicking and awesome. Thank goodness it was completely and totally the latter! The ladies all stayed talking and laughing and sharing until 10pm. It was one of my favorite book club discussions of all time. I love the ladies in my book club, and discussions like that make me love them all the more!