Lunch with Heather

On Tuesday Amy and I went out to lunch with Heather. Heather is moving to Arizona. I am so, so sad about this. Heather is one of my favorite local friends and I will miss her so much.

While we were at lunch having a wonderful time, Heather’s husband and brother in law were babysitting all of our kids.

After lunch, I was still feeling tired from strep, so I got Abby Mugarian to come with us to help watch Clarissa at the movies. We watched The Incredibles 2 and we all laughed so much at Jack Jack, the baby. Mary especially convulsed with glee. Mary is at the stage where she is obsessed with babies. Whenever she and Clarissa look at each other, they both grin and begin to make excited sounds. So Mary was just in heaven watching Jack Jack do crazy things.

Then in the evening I decided to just go for it and make it a movie theater day. I went out to Oceans 8 after the kids were down. Abe was too stressed from work, but I loved the movie even by myself.