A fabulous day

On Thursday Abe and I both had spectacular days. I woke up feeling amazing and happy and full of love. During Lydia’s harp practice, I was so excited to see her progress that we both had an incredible time. We focused, but with joy and excitement. It was amazing.

I was feeling so energized that I moved right on to Mary, even though I’m not officially her “practice parent” anymore. We sat down and inspiration started flowing. I had a lot of conversations with Mary’s thumbs and her wrists, and Mary’s beautiful eyes got wide with wonder whenever her hands “talked” to me. By the end, she was giving me big hugs and I felt so full of love for her sweet, innocent, imaginative little soul.

Then during Clarissa’s nap I let the kids help me make meatballs, after which I spiralized some zucchini noodles. By the time Abe came home, the kids had eaten, I had cleaned the house, done a bunch of laundry, and felt so happy. Abe had a great day at work too.

It was such a good day that we both tried to make it last longer. I stayed up way too late reading, and Abe read some Hugh Nibley and barbecued chicken for the next day. It was a wonderful, wonderful day.