I finally remembered Wednesday

Today Abe and I were up by 5am and then went running. I have been sooooo good about exercise and–this is how bad my eating is–I have ZERO to show for it. Well, I guess I’m healthier, so there’s that. But I am no skinnier! Sigh.

Despite the fact that I still tote an extra fifty pounds around, I had a terrific day. I kept the house pretty tidy, did a bunch of laundry, made a huge batch of the healthy kind of broccoli soup, got caught up on the blog, took Ammon and Clarissa to the library, and made sure the kids got their homework, practice, and dance in.

Abe had a kind of tricky conflict at work with one of his team members. That took the emotional wind out of his sails, a bit. But he’s still cheerful and fun. When we drove up to the house from dance, Lydia said, “Why do we never do any Halloween decorations?! We are going to be the most boring family on the block!!”

…So Abe dug in the garage and found some orange lights, a giant spider, and some of my La Befanas I picked up when I lived in Italy. The kids are playing happily with them and think they are Halloween witches.

I also got a Baskin Robbins ice cream cone today. That’s depressing in retrospect, but I have been thinking about Baskin Robbins for at least a month. We almost never go there, but for whatever reason it’s been on the mind.

On our way home, Abe saw this cherry orchard turning colors. He did a u-turn so that he could snap these pictures:

Right now everything feels chaotic because it is 7:39 and the kids aren’t even in pj’s. Everyone is playing, eating and doing homework: