return home

On Monday we woke up at 4:45 am (not realizing Daylight Savings had happened the day before–thank goodness for automatically updated phones!) and got everyone ready for the flight.

Our flight back to Utah was loads better than our flight to California. For one thing, we started from the Long Beach airport–the best and easiest starting point ever! And then Clarissa made our lives amazing by falling asleep in Abe’s arms during the flight. Thank you, sweet baby. All of the other kids slept on and off too.

We were in happy, grateful moods by the time we got back to Salt Lake.

After this delightful walk to our car I spent the rest of the day feeling exhausted and worried about Abe, who had to work a full day. I took a nap and still felt sick from fatigue when I woke up. Clarissa took a FOUR HOUR nap, which is a record for her. The kids spent the day playing with their wands and enjoying their day off from school. Abe came home and broke the news to me that it was daylight savings time, which was terrific because that meant it was–to our infinite surprise and delight–bedtime!!!