Abe’s ski trip with friends round one

On Saturday I woke up feeling slightly buzzed from stress. Having stayed up until 11pm with Clarissa the night before and having had Lydia crawl into bed with me during the night–not to mention waking up to go to Ammon during the night–I was exhausted and honestly dreading the day. I didn’t know how Clarissa’s nap would go and didn’t feel hopeful given what happened on Friday. And without a nap or solid bedtime to count on, the day just looked bleak and hopeless.

Nevertheless, I dragged myself out of bed and somehow survived the day. I am back blogging and don’t remember much except that every second felt painful. Clarissa refused to nap. I felt slightly out of my mind by the end of the day.

Best to not focus on my end of this day but instead throw up a picture from Abe in the Tetons with his friends. I was genuinely thrilled he got to have this ski trip because he has been on the verge of a breakdown for a while and really, really, needs and deserves a break. So this month he gets two ski trips with different groups of friends on two back to back weekends. He had a wonderful time on this one: