Happy Saint Patrick’s Day 2019

Seamus, our friendly leprechaun, visited us again. The kids were delighted.

He left us ingredients to make another rainbow cake this year.
Lydia was proud of the leprechaun hat she made by the rainbow.

What really thrilled me, though, was that Abe got home from his ski trip in time to have dinner with us! I was out chasing the kids around the cul-de-sac and visiting with neighbors when Carlee pointed out Abe’s car. I literally screamed with joy. It was a rough weekend without him. We had corned beef, colcannon, roasted carrots, toast, and rainbow cake to celebrate his return. Oh, and Saint Patrick’s Day.

Abe turned the crib into a toddler bed since Clarissa knows how to climb out of the crib (and does so the minute you try to put her in it…). He then proceeded to flip it upside down and play “prison” with the kids.

Here is a video of when Clarissa was first introduced to her Toddler bed: